Challenge One: 10 Miles for 10 Years
Polly Beaumont30/09/2022
With a few of our team on holiday and some struck down by illness (well, that was their excuse for getting out of the walk!), six members of our team courageously tackled the 10 miles from Vauxhall to Tower Bridge and back. Completing the loop in under three hours! Whilst spending your Friday night walking around in the rain might not be everyone’s cup of tea, as we’ve said before – we like a challenge.
Fuelled by tea and biscuits at the start line, the joy of our Canadian-raised teammate (Candice) discovering the joys of Toffee Crisps, and Roland’s outrage that Freddos have yet again changed shape, we set off. Spirits were high, which meant it was only natural that it started pouring with rain the minute we passed the start line. There was no going back… we had set ourselves a challenge and we WERE going to complete it.
Luckily the rain didn’t stick around for long! Despite some members of the team – who shall not be named – asking ‘are we there yet?’ at mile three and another couple – who shall also not be named – missing a turn, we powered through with witty repartee for entertainment. Well, I say witty, but I’m ashamed to report that at one point, our conversations turned to where the best place was to hang washing out in our houses, so perhaps it’s fairer to say it was a long three hours…. But the medals were worth it and the sense of achievement even better. Not to mention the BBQ and glass of fizz at the end!
At CHC, the health of the team drives the health of our business, and it was great to get some exercise together, challenge ourselves (mentally and physically) and try something new. Here’s to the next challenge! Watch this space…